This repository provides a plan which deploys a vm where:
- openshift-baremetal-install is downloaded with the specific version and tag specified (and renamed openshift-install)
- stop the nodes to deploy through redfish
- launch the install against a set of baremetal nodes. Virtual ctlplanes and workers can also be deployed
- OneDev - Kcli Pipelines - is configured and running.
ssh into baremetl server and run the following
$ sudo kcli download image rhel8
$ sudo kcli download image rhel9
Reference Git Repo:
Configure pipelines
Git Repo:
Click on import
Click on
From URL
Click on
using kcli pipelines repo click on the
to view repos
Start Job
Click .onedev-buildspec.yml
Click on kcli-openshift4-baremetal
- Deploy OpenShift on KVM
Wait for deployment to complete it should take 45 minutes to 1 hour
Click on Deploy VM
- Deploy FreeIPA VM first this will allow you to access the vms
Configure DNS
$ /opt/kcli-pipelines/
SSH into the bastion node to get the kubeconfig
ssh into jump host
sudo kcli list vms
sudo kcli ssh lab-installer
[centos@lab-installer ~]$ sudo su -
[root@lab-installer ~]# ls
bin machineconfigs openshift_pull.json version.txt
cluster_ready.txt manifests original-ks.cfg
install-config.yaml ocp scripts
[root@lab-installer ~]# cat ocp/.openshift_install.log
Option Deploy OpenShift Workloads
OpenShift Virtulization Ensure you are using Openshift version 4.15 for menu option 5
git clone
cd sno-quickstarts/gitops
1) ./aap-instance 7) ./kafka-plus-db
2) ./acm-gitops-deployment 8) ./middleware-ocpv
3) ./developer-env 9) ./rhel-edge-management
4) ./device-edge-demos 10) ./sno-ocp-virt
5) ./equinix-cnv-virtualization 11) ./standard-sno-deployment
6) ./equinix-developer-env 12) ./vmware-odf-deployment
#? 8
Check the status of the deployment in ArgoCD
NOTE: You may have to set the default stroage based on deployment Type
# oc patch storageclass ocs-storagecluster-cephfs -p '{"metadata": {"annotations":{"":"true"}}}'
# Recommened for Openshift Virtualization
# oc patch storageclass ocs-storagecluster-ceph-rbd -p '{"metadata": {"annotations":{"":"true"}}}'