Script Structure

The script consists of several major functions:

  • configure_bash_aliases: Configures bash aliases for the Qubinode environment.
  • confiure_lvm_storage: Configures LVM storage for the Qubinode host.
  • setup_kcli_base: Sets up KCLI (Kubernetes Cluster Lifecycle Interface) and configures images for the Qubinode cluster.
  • show_help: Displays help information for the script.

Full Script

Key Code Snippets

  1. The configure_bash_aliases function uses a combination of if statements and source commands to configure bash aliases. For example:
    if [ "$(pwd)" != "/root/qubinode_navigator" ]; then
     echo "Current directory is not /root/qubinode_navigator."
     echo "Changing to /root/qubinode_navigator..."
     cd /root/qubinode_navigator

    This code snippet checks the current working directory and changes it if necessary.

  2. The confiure_lvm_storage function uses curl to download a configuration script from GitHub and then executes it using sudo. For example:
    if [ ! -f /tmp/ ]; then
     curl -OL
     mv /tmp/
     sudo chmod +x /tmp/
    /tmp/ || exit 1

    This code snippet downloads and executes a configuration script for LVM storage.

External Dependencies

The script relies on the following external dependencies:

  • bash-aliases/ A file containing bash function definitions.
  • bash-aliases/ A file containing bash alias definitions.
  • freeipa-utils: A package used for deploying FreeIPA (Free Identity, Authentication, and Policy).
  • kcli: A package used for setting up KCLI.

Input and Output Formats

The script accepts command-line arguments in the following format:


Where [OPTION] can be one of the following:

  • -h, --help: Displays help information.
  • --deploy-kvmhost: Deploys a KVM host.
  • --configure-bash-aliases: Configures bash aliases.
  • --setup-kcli-base: Sets up KCLI and configures images.

The script also uses configuration files in the following format:

~/.bash_aliases: A file containing bash alias definitions.

Best Practices

When modifying or extending the script, follow these best practices:

  1. Use clear and concise variable names.
  2. Follow coding conventions and style guidelines (e.g., PEP 8 for Python).
  3. Test your changes thoroughly to ensure they do not break existing functionality.


For further information on the Qubinode Navigator script, refer to the following resources: