Script Components

The script consists of several key components, including:

  • Requirements file generation: The script generates a requirements file (/tmp/requirements.yml) that specifies the necessary Ansible collections and roles for deployment.
  • Ansible configuration: The script sets up Ansible configuration files (/opt/qubinode_navigator/inventories/${INVENTORY}/group_vars/control/vault.yml) with environment variables such as AWS access key, secret key, and IP address.
  • Playbook creation: The script creates a playbook file (/tmp/playbook.yml) that defines the OpenShift DNS entries to be created or updated.
  • Ansible execution: The script executes the playbook using Ansible, with options for verbose mode and action (create or delete).

Full Script

Environment Variables

The script relies on several environment variables to function correctly. These include:

  • ZONE_NAME: The zone name for the OpenShift DNS entries.
  • AWS_ACCESS_KEY: The AWS access key for Route53 access.
  • AWS_SECRET_KEY: The AWS secret key for Route53 access.
  • IP_ADDRESS: The IP address you want to use.
  • GUID: A unique identifier for the deployment.
  • ACTION: The action to perform (create or delete).
  • VERBOSE_LEVEL: The level of verbosity for Ansible execution.

Script Structure

The script is structured around several key functions, including:

  • generate_requirements_file(): Generates the requirements file based on the environment variables.
  • configure_ansible(): Sets up Ansible configuration files with the necessary environment variables.
  • create_playbook(): Creates the playbook file based on the OpenShift DNS entries to be created or updated.
  • execute_playbook(): Executes the playbook using Ansible, with options for verbose mode and action.

External Dependencies

The script relies on several external dependencies, including:

  • boto3 and botocore libraries for AWS access key and secret key management.
  • Ansible for playbook execution.

Input and Output Formats

The script accepts input in the form of environment variables, such as ZONE_NAME, GUID, and ACTION. The output format is a set of OpenShift DNS entries created or updated based on the playbook execution.

Best Practices

When modifying or extending the script, it’s recommended to follow best practices for coding conventions and style guidelines. This includes:

  • Using consistent indentation and spacing.
  • Following PEP 8 guidelines for Python code.
  • Documenting changes and updates clearly.


For further information on the script’s implementation, refer to the following resources: